Title overview
Discover all the foul facts about these famous invadersin history’s most horrible headlines: Vicious Vikings edition.
takes onthe Vikings in this marauding look at our Scandinavianancestors. From
Viking Gods in wedding dresses andcorpses on trial to d
eath by booby-trapped statues!It’s all in Horrible Histories: Vicious Vikings.
- fully illustrated throughout and packed with blood-curdlingstories– with all the horribly hilariousbits included
- with a fresh take on the classic HorribleHistories style, perfect for fans old and new
- the perfect series for anyone looking fora fun and informative read
- Horrible Histories has been entertaining childrenand families for generations with books, TV, stageshow, magazines, games and 2019’s brilliantlyfunny Horrible Histories: the Movie - RottenRomans.
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