Reading Ambassadors Deliver Poetry School Assembly
At the end of last term we welcomed our Sopley Primary School new Reading Ambassadors! These amazing children are the champions of reading across our school. They will work tirelessly to share their passion for books within our school community.
Our new Reading Ambassador badge, pictured on the left, was designed by Sopley pupil, Kayani.
On Tuesday 3rd December, our Reading Ambassadors delivered our whole school assembly on poetry. They talked about what poetry was and performed two poems to the school. They also shared the poetry section in our library, which we hope to expand.
At the end of the assembly, they launched our new reading rewards which they will monitor and reward to the children who are sharing their love of reading.
This is the first part of their new role and we are super excited to see what is in store for them next as they share their love of books.
Below are a selection of fantastic poetry books that are recent additions to our school library.