Book Recommendation Service
At Pop-Up Bookshop, we believe that every child is a reader! Books are for everyone and reading has the power to change lives.
At Pop-Up Bookshop, we believe that every child is a reader! Books are for everyone and reading has the power to change lives.
We love pairing children with books that will truly excite and delight them. We thrive on the challenge to convert any child into an avid reader.
Reading improves communication, memory, focus, and makes your child more empathic. Reading for pleasure makes a staggering difference to educational performance, and reading ability has been proven as one of the strongest predictors for success in life – not just in an academic sense, but in many varied aspects of life.
We specialise in recommending reading material to suit your child’s interests and ability. We listen to your individual needs to select suitable titles based on the information you provide – it brings us a lot of joy to provide this as a free service.
Please give us a call, email us, or complete our form to receive personalised recommendations.
For personalised book recommendations – click the button below and complete our online form.